Senior Portrait

November 7, 2018, from 6-9pm

The exhibits are all community artists with various media backgrounds and represent a diverse age group and ethnicity. The exhibit will show photography as well as, oil painting, drawing and water color. The exhibit will also include a sneak peek of the upcoming Seniors Project.

This project is being managed by Thomas DeMaio. Each Tuesday afternoon at the Eureka Valley Recreation center a group of artists meet up with senior citizens from the area. The seniors pose for the images to be painted and photographed. Approximately 4 models are handled each Tuesday. We have over thirty represented as of 10-17-2018.

The modeling sessions will continue into December. In the spring (date to be determined) We will hold and art exhibit and auction of the work. All proceeds will go toward the new lighting system for the Harvey Milk Photography Center gallery.

Opening: November 7, 2018, from 6-9pm

Location: Harvey Milk Photo Center.

Exhibit Dates: November and December 2018

Curators: Art Saves Lives, Thomasina DeMaio and Dave Christensen.

And both Eureka Valley Rec-Center, located at 100 Collingwood St, are part of the SF Recreation & Parks Department.

Photography by Steven Pomeroy