I grew up on Willard Street, only a few blocks from Golden Gate Park, and spent some of the best times of my childhood at the Park playground and carousel, in the aquarium, the Academy of Sciences, and the DeYoung Museum. When I became interested in photography in the late 60s I began photographing in the Park as well. It’s always been a place of joy and inspiration for me.
My current favorite place to photograph: Golden Gate Park’s San Francisco Botanical Garden. I’ve completely fallen in love with the place. In my career in photography I’ve created many distinct “bodies of work” (for lack of a better term), and these photographs I’m making in the Botanical Garden are definitely one of them.
I’ve been photographing for over 50 years. It’s been both my hobby and my profession. I’ve been able to make a living at it with a combination of: teaching: UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz Extensions; workshops for Ansel Adams Gallery, Santa Fe Workshops, miscellaneous others; and most recently for Rayko Photo Center.
Commercial work: specializing in architectural photography
Gallery sales of my photographs: www.mcitret.com