As a 5th generation San Franciscan I take great pride in my city and all it has to offer. My ancestors took up residence in Golden Gate Park after they lost their homes in the great fire and earthquake of 1906, and have helped build and protect this city as contractors, muni drivers, firefighters, and pipe layers after the earthquake / fire. The park is a place where I have deep ties and admiration to the land there. I love being able to live in the city but also escape into nature, and I hope my photography depicts the great respect I have for the space there.
My goal as a photographer is to document things in a new way; a different way to look at something you may have seen before. By layering images or turning them around new details come out that may have been lost in a single exposure. My photos encourage you to stop and think, take a closer look, to see something that you might have never noticed that was there all along. I hope it excites the viewer to see something familiar in a new way. By using only what is naturally in front of me I can create a new way to see something without falsifying the scene. It’s a practice in breaking standards but also in preservation; it can breathe new life into a space without changing the way that it actually looks. It is both a documentary representation of a space as well as a statement that there is more to be seen and thought about; they make a statement that there are endless dimensions to the world that we live in.